Pre-K Curriculum Guide

Children develop best in an environment that allows them to interact with other children, make discoveries, solve problems and think independently. With our “hands on” approach through learning centers, children learn and explore in both large group and small group activities. Our focus is to reinforce and build upon previously learned concepts, as well as work on readiness skills needed for Kindergarten. Socialization and manners, science, math, language, fine and gross motor skills and seasonal themes are all integrated into the program which is centered on the alphabet. Each month your child will be introduced to several letters of the alphabet. During each week your child will be experiencing fun activities that will build their alphabet knowledge. These activities will build early literacy skills through fine literature. These literacy skills will include phonemic awareness, letter recognition, letter-sound relationships, listening comprehension and writing.

SEPTEMBERMaking New Friends/I Am Special, Apples, Alligators, BearsA, B  The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn                                         There’s An Alligator Under My Bed by Mercer Mayer The Teddy Bears’ Picnic by Jimmy Kennedy
OCTOBERFall, Fire Prevention, Halloween, Colors, Ducks, ElephantsC, D, EIt Looked Like Spilt Milk by Charles G. Shaw Harry the Dirty Dog by Gene Zion Elmer by David McKee
NOVEMBER Thanksgiving, Fish, Graphing, Homes, Ice CreamF, G, H, I  The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister Good Night Moon by Margaret Wise Brown House for Hermit Crab by Eric Carle Inside Mouse, Outside Mouse by Lindsay Barrett George
DECEMBERChristmas, Holiday Crafts and Surprises, Jam, KangaroosJ, K  Gingerbread Baby by Jan Brett Jamberry by Bruce Degan Does a Kangaroo Have a Mother, Too? By Eric Carle
JANUARYWinter Fun, Getting Fit, Lacing, Mice, Numbers, OwlsL, M, N, OLeo the Late Bloomer by Robert Kraus Mouse Paint by Ellen Stoll Walsh Napping House by Audrey Wood Little Owl’s Night by Divya Srinivasan
FEBRUARYValentines, Ground Hogs, Pajamas, Quilts, RainbowsP, Q, RIf You Give a Pig a Pancake by Laura Joffe  Numeroff The Quilt Story by Tony Johnston Rabbits and Rainbows by Jim Arnosky
MARCHSpring, St. Patrick’s Day, Teeth, Umbrellas, Vegetables, VolcanoesS, T, U, VThe Shape of Me and Other Stuff by Dr. Seuss Loose Tooth by Steven Kroll Underwear! by Mary Elise Monsell Growing Vegetable Soup by Lois Ehlert
APRILEaster, Farm, Weather, X marks the spot!W, XWhere The Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak Fox in Socks by Dr. Seuss
MAYGetting Ready For Graduation and Kindergarten, Yo-Yo, ZooY, ZLittle Blue and Little Yellow by Leo Lionni Put Me In The Zoo by Robert Lopshire