2 1/2ers and Young 3s Curriculum Guide

Preschool is a period of transition for your child from the narrow boundaries of his/her home and immediate family to the broader world of school and community. Throughout this academic year, we will help your child to acquire the ability to work and play cooperatively; to follow instructions; to get along with other children; to respect and obey his/her teachers; and to adapt to separation from home and becoming happy in a new environment. Learning to adjust socially and emotionally is very necessary before a child is ready for more formal instruction

SeptemberRed1 and 2Getting to Know You, Families and Pets
OctoberBlack & Orange3Fall and Leaves, Halloween Fun
NovemberBrown4Food Exploration, Thanksgiving
DecemberGreen5Holiday Preparations
JanuaryBlue & White6Wintertime, Animals, Music Fun
FebruaryPink7Nursery Rhymes and Poems, Valentine’s Day
MarchPurple8Weather, Leprechaun Fun
AprilYellow9 & 10Signs of Spring, Easter Fun
MayRainbow ReviewNumber ReviewMoms are Special, End-of-Year Program